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This project started with a fairly busy two dimensional concept drawing. By using pretensioned steel reinforced shelves* I was able to provide a simpler, more open, design. I also wanted to ease the transition between wall unit and mantle. The large and shallow TV both required and allowed the TV cabinet to be shallower and shorter. While there was no need to use different shelf depths on the upper portion, it reinforces the desired effect.
Langford Living Room
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- Re: Langford Living Room
- Posted by Coy Tipping on Tuesday, 24-Jan-2012
I was admiring your work on the Langford Living Room. I'm wondering what method you used to paint these built-ins.
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Thanks...- Re: Langford Living Room
- Posted by Dave on Tuesday, 24-Jan-2012
I spray finish all components before assembly using a Fuji HVLP gun and turbine. The finish is a solvent based lacquer and the substrate is medium density fiberboard (MDF). I now use acrylic latex (Kem Aqua Plus) for both clear and pigmented finishes. The substrate is at least as important as the finish and nothing compares to MDF (or Classic Core - MDF sheathed plywood).
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